Catherine Deneuve

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Registrado: 15 Feb 2018, 09:02

  Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve and Roman Polanski during the presentation to the press of "Repulsion" in Paris, 1966.




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  Catherine Deneuve

Muchas gracias por los aportes @Romana a pesar de Polanski...
Romana escribió: 19 Feb 2020, 08:44 Catherine Deneuve by Angelo Frontoni
+Retratos de A. Frontoni realizados entre 1963-1964:


  Catherine Deneuve

1972 - Catherine Deneuve fotografiada por Richard Avedon para una campaña de Chanel Nº5 difundida exclusivamente en Estados Unidos
1975 - Catherine Deneuve fotografiada por Richard Avedon para una campaña de Chanel Nº5 difundida exclusivamente en Estados Unidos
CHANEL N°5 advertising film from 1973
"Whispered," by Helmut Newton

CHANEL N°5 advertising film from 1977
"Mystery," by Helmut Newton

  Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve as Maria Vetsera in "Mayerling" (1968) - Costume designer : Marcel Escoffier. (Photos by Terry O'Neill)

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  Catherine Deneuve

Dejo imágenes de ella de niña junto a sus hermanas





  Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve and Françoise Dorléac by Larry Shaw, 1965


“My sister was an extremely cheerful young woman, dressing her cats as a child, worshiping animals and then slapping insect killers. She also liked the pickles, the fries in the coffee with milk, the scented talc and her chihuahua. She was a bit an extravagant person who could dance whole nights without drinking or smoking, but also sometimes a little desperate.
I didn’t want Francoise’s memory to be erased, to be forgotten. I wanted the new generation to know who she was, what she meant to me.
I miss Françoise. Her presence, her encouragement, her laughter are always strongly anchored in me. You know, we were so close to each other, so sisters, so inseparable!
And when my sister died, I hadn’t one to share my pain with, so I kept everything to myself."
— Catherine Deneuve

  Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve presents Yves Saint Laurent fashion at rue de Tournon in Paris. Photos by Francois Gragnon / Paris Match. October 12, 1970.

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Mensajes: 2190
Registrado: 27 Feb 2018, 00:30

  Catherine Deneuve

He leído un poco de lo que ha salido con el lanzamiento del libro de Woody Allen, a veces le agradece por haberlo defendido junto a otras celebridades y dice que no se van a arrepentir :lol: , me suelen gustar las posturas que toma, algunas temerarias en tiempos del Me Too y la corrección política. No he encontrado nada sobre como quedo su salud espero que bien.
Por cierto, me sorprende Allen cuando le preguntan sobre Ronan Farrow “creó que si es mi hijo, podría ser de Frank Sinatra” pero si es igualito :ess38:

  Catherine Deneuve

Bueno, a mí es que el caso de Woody Allen no me parece equiparable al de, por ejemplo, Polanski (al que Deneuve también defiende a capa y espada... algo malo tenía que tener, además de las pieles que se calza, claro). Allen fue absuelto por la justicia, y algunos de los hijos adoptivos de Mia Farrow que vivieron con él también lo defienden.

Catherine Deneuve by Man Ray, 1968: This portrait was one of Man Ray’s last commissioned portraits and shows the young Catherine Deneuve in the artist’s studio surrounded by his objects on the rue Férou. In an interview with The Telegraph in 2013, she described the session. “It was very artisanal, handmade ... very fast. I was quite surprised by the way he worked.... I don’t like being photographed very much, but I wanted to meet him.” She remembered him as “nice, welcoming, but he didn’t talk so much. His approach was soft, gentle.” Here, she models a pair of the artist’s iconic earrings.


  Catherine Deneuve

December 1982. David Bowie & Catherine Deneuve photographed by Peter Lindbergh for The Hunger


  Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve photographed by Peter Lindbergh for French Vogue, Deauville, France, 1991

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  Catherine Deneuve

Qué grimaza me da Woody,por dios....tanto él como muchas de sus musas.

  Catherine Deneuve

A mí Diane Keaton me gusta bastante como actriz.

Starring Catherine Deneuve
For nearly six decades, Catherine Deneuve has been the face of French cinema, the embodiment of its sophistication, allure, and cool glamour. Following her star-making turn in Jacques Demy’s THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG, Deneuve’s porcelain beauty and aloof elegance caught the attention of some of the most renowned European directors of the 1960s and ’70s, including Luis Buñuel (BELLE DE JOUR, TRISTANA), François Truffaut (MISSISSIPPI MERMAID, THE LAST METRO), and Roman Polanski (REPULSION), all of whom could only begin to scratch the surface of her enigmatic magnetism. Since then, Deneuve has continued to entrance a new generation of post–New Wave French filmmakers like André Téchiné (THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN) and Arnaud Desplechin (A CHRISTMAS TALE), confirming her status as the reigning grande dame of Gallic cinema.

  Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve photographed on july 22, 1963, at age 19, and one month after the birth of her son Christian Vadim.

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  Catherine Deneuve

Ninotchka escribió: 31 Mar 2020, 23:13 A mí Diane Keaton me gusta bastante como actriz.

No me refiero a Diane, sino a otras más recientes. No me atrevo a decir sus nombres,ya que sus fans dan miedito :bag:
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Mensajes: 2190
Registrado: 27 Feb 2018, 00:30

  Catherine Deneuve

Christian Vadim no destaco mucho pese a sus padres. Allen hace una película al año y hasta antes del Me Too mataban por trabajar con el aunque pagara una mierda, son demasiadas actrices. Ni si quiera formaría un grupo de mujeres a lo rubias de Hitchcock. Si no estuviera el Me Too te podría apostar que Elle Fanning, Margot Robbie y Ana de Armas estarían tratando de conseguir una película.
I Love

  Catherine Deneuve

Diper escribió: 01 Abr 2020, 14:58 Christian Vadim no destaco mucho pese a sus padres. Allen hace una película al año y hasta antes del Me Too mataban por trabajar con el aunque pagara una mierda, son demasiadas actrices. Ni si quiera formaría un grupo de mujeres a lo rubias de Hitchcock. Si no estuviera el Me Too te podría apostar que Elle Fanning, Margot Robbie y Ana de Armas estarían tratando de conseguir una película. capaz de convertir a cualquiera en una musa intocable. No hay más que mirar el caso de Scarlett(es fea de cojones, vulgar y basta a más no poder, estúpida y una actriz pésima).

  Catherine Deneuve

Te habrás quedado a gusto con la Scarlett, no? :lol: A mí ni fu ni fa, como el 90% de las celebridades actuales.
Catherine Deneuve & Chiara Mastroianni by Richard Avedon, 1973


“I was extremely young when I had my son. I may not have realized the importance of this birth. For my daughter, I was more aware, better prepared, the atmosphere was extraordinary, the atmosphere very familiar. It was our family doctor who gave birth to her. A sensational man for whom I have great admiration and in whom I have total confidence. And then, I saw my daughter being born, which hadn’t been the case with my first baby. And that‘s the most fantastic thing in the world.

I‘m very motherly and there‘re times when I suffer from being forced to keep my work away from my children. But I know that I‘ll not go to the end of the world, that I‘ll not embark on a sailboat for an adventure, that I‘ll not be hippie or drugged, because I love my children and stay for them, to love them, it seems important now for them and for me.”
— Catherine Deneuve for Le Soir magazine published in 1974
Desde luego, Chiara no ha sacado nada de su madre, físicamente es la viva imagen de Marcheeeloo.
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  Catherine Deneuve

Todas sus portadas de Vogue publicadas entre abril de 1962 y enero de 2003 ordenadas cronológicamente:


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